Fairfield Township, MN

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Monthly Council Meeting

March 14, 2024

The March 14, 2024, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Phil Yetzer. Other board members present were Supervisor Les McCoy, Supervisor Molly Swaggert, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.  

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed. Phil made a motion to approve the agenda and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The bills were read. Les made a motion to pay the bills and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the February 12, 2024, monthly meeting were read. Molly made a motion to approve the minutes and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The treasurer’s report was read. Les made a motion to place it for audit and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Phil made a motion to authorize the board to attend the short courses and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Road inspection was discussed. Les made a motion to have road inspection April 3, 2024, at 3:30 PM. The board will meet at the town hall at 3:30 PM.

Les said he talked to Pat from the City of Crosslake Road maintenance department and Les said Pat agreed to put gravel on the shoulders of Bonnie Lakes Road. The township will pay for the gravel used to shoulder Bonnie Lakes Road.

Old Business: Roads:  Les said we still need to replace the culverts on Bonnie Lakes Road.  Les said he asked Andy Moritz for an estimate on replacing the culverts.  Les said we would check out the brush piles that Doug Svihel asked if the township could chip when we have road inspection.

Dust control was discussed. Les said the price of calcium chloride keeps going up and the cost for the township goes up each year. The township will do dust control this year.  The township will discuss if we should keep doing dust control after we get the cost for this years dust control.

Phil made a motion to donate $250.00 each to the Crow Wing County Historical Society and The Crow Wing County Fair as was suggested by the residents at the annual meeting. Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Kathy brought up the Flock Security and suggested we have Craig Katzenberger come to a meeting to talk about it.

The clerk will ask the county for an address for the cemetery. Molly said the vault company told her the township should have something to hold the side of the hole until the vault is put in.

Go North: Nothing

Correspondence was read.

Phil made a motion to adjourn and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

 The meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marianne Auge, clerk