December 12th, 2023

The December 12, 2023, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Phil Yetzer. Other board members present were, Supervisor Les McCoy, Supervisor Molly Swaggert, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.  

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed. Les said he wanted to add designated snowplow drivers to the agenda. Phil made a motion to approve the agenda as revised, and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The bills were read. Phil made a motion to pay the bills and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the November 14, 2023, monthly meeting were read.  Les made a motion to approve the minutes and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The treasurer’s report was read. Les made a motion to place it for audit and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Phil made a motion to limit carry over of employee sick leave to 80 hours per year. They can get paid for unused sick time the last payroll of the year if they let the clerk know by November 30 that they want to get paid for unused sick time. Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Les said he would like only trained or experienced employees to run the equipment. Russ can run all equipment, Chuck Stone can run the snowplow trucks and Randy can run the small plow truck and the skid loader.

Kathy read the social media policy. Phil made a motion to approve the social media policy and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The cemetery brochure was reviewed. Phil made a motion to approve the cemetery brochure with changes and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Phil made a motion to have AW Research provide a map to the township with the well testing findings on it for public safety awareness. Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Old Business: Roads:  Les said we still have to replace the culverts on Bonnie Lakes Road. Les said the guys will be working on brush clean-up.

Go North: Nothing

Correspondence was read.

Les made a motion to adjourn and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.   The meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marianne Auge, clerk