March 8, 2022

 Minutes of March 8, 2022 Annual Meeting

The 2022 annual meeting was called to order at 4:00 Pm March 8,2022xc by clerk Marianne Augé.  The pledge of allegiance was said.

The clerk asked for nominations for moderator. Jess Nix nominated Sue Nix for moderator and Kathy Hachey 2nd the motion.   The clerk asked for more nominations and there were none. The clerk called for a vote and Sue Nix was elected moderator.

The clerk read the minutes from the 2021 annual meeting.  Marlys Mongan made a motion to accept the minutes and Phil Yetzer 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The clerk read the treasurer report for 2021. Jess Nix made a motion to accept the treasurers report and Brian Glenz 2nd the motion and it carried.

The clerk read the road report for 2021.  Ruth Svihel made a motion to accept the road report and Phil Yetzer 2nd th motion and it carried unanimously.

Public Comment: Marlys asked if the town hall was going to be painted to match the garage and she suggested that the window trim be painted a different color when we paint the town hall. Malys said the inside of the town hall   looked very nice since the floor, walls and ceiling were repainted. Marlys asked about recycling. Kathy explained that Go North was looking into setting up recycling every other week in Emily for the 5 cities and township that belong to Go North. Kathy explained that there would be a cost for the township, but it would be assessed by the population of each city or township. Kathy said the Lions Club would monitor the recycling days. Marlys said that someone asked her if the township could hold a clean-up day in the fall as well as in May. The clerk told her that when it was set up, we could only get the county to help once a year because they were busy at other places.

Old business:   The garage addition is done except for a few items that need to be finished in the spring. Marlys said she has heard comments about the town hall not matching the garage. The Clerk said the town supervisors are discussing painting the town hall the same color as the garage. Marlys asked if we could put in a picnic area that could be used for family picnics. Marlys said the garage looks nice.

New Business: Fairfield Township’s clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday May 21,2022 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Fairfield Town Hall providing that is okay with the Crow Wing County Landfill.

 The budget was reviewed. Jess Nix made a motion to approve the budget the supervisors recommended and Barbara Ramola 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously. The budget is as follows.

General fund $80,000.00

Road & Bridge $55,000.00

Capital equipment: $25,000.00.

Fire Fund: $15,000.00

Total of $175,000.00

Kathy Hachey made a motion to set the annual meeting for 2023 for March 14,2023 at 4:00 PM and the polls for the annual election to be open from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Barbara Ramola 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The clerk read the correspondence.  Jess Nix suggested we donate $100.00 each to the Crow Wing County Fair, Crisis Line, Crow Wing County Historical Society, and the Emily food shelf. Marlys Mongan made a motion to donate $250.00 to each of the above listed   organizations and Kathy Hachey 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Marlys Mongan made a motion to adjourn and Kathy Hachey 2nd the motion and the meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Marianne Auge, clerk