November 9th, 2021

 Minutes of November 9th, 2021 Monthly Meeting

The November 9, 2021, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Phil Yetzer.  Also present were Supervisor Brian Glenz, Supervisor Les McCoy, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed.  Brian made a motion to approve the agenda and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the October 14, 2021, meeting were read. Phil made a motion to approve the minutes and Brian 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The treasurer’s report was read. Les made a motion to place it for audit and Brian 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously. Kathy said the Sourcewell account has $1390.60 in it.

West Adney Lane: Les said that gravel was put on West Adney Lane. Les said there is plenty of room to blacktop the end of West Adney Lane. Les said we need to get a survey done. Les said we would need to reshape the road and if we don’t blacktop it, we would still need to do some work on it. Phil said he would talk to Lakes Area Surveying and ask them to survey and put stakes in so we know where the road right of way lines are. Les made a motion to hire a surveyor for up to $3000.00 to find out where our easement is on the east end of West Adney Lane where the gravel starts to the end of the road.   

Les said the equipment is ready to go if we get snow. Phil said the back window of the grader has a political sticker on it that needs to be removed. Brian said he will run the truck over to get sand in it before we get snow.

Les said he called both Robert Schoenborn and Karen Olander to let them know what the attorney said about the cart way and gave them the information he got from the attorney. Les said he hadn’t heard from the Olander’s since he gave them the information. Les said if a petition is brought to the board for a cartway and if it qualifies then the board must act on it.

Go North:  Kathy said there may be some grant money available for the recycling program and it is being checked into.

The clerk will check on the ambulance coverage for the area around Goodrich and O’Brien Lakes.

Garage addition: We still need to build the Wastewater Pond, but we have 2 years to do it.

COVID Policy: Phil said our policy should be made according to the state guide lines. Kathy said she would bring a policy to review at the December meeting.

COVID Money: Les said we should update the sewer if the money could be used for that.  Martin Joyce inspected the old system. Les will talk to Andy Moritz about part 2 of our sewer system. Phil will schedule a water test for both wells.

 Correspondence was read.

Bills were read. Brian made a motion to pay the bills and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Les made a motion to adjourn and Brian 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.   The meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Marianne Auge, clerk