Fairfield Township, MN

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Monthly Council Meeting

January 9, 2024

The January 9, 2024, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Phil Yetzer. Other board members present were Supervisor Les McCoy, Supervisor Molly Swaggert, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.  

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed. Phil made a motion to approve the agenda and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The bills were read. Les made a motion to pay the bills and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the December 12, 2023, monthly meeting were read.  Molly made a motion to approve the minutes and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The treasurer’s report was read. Les made a motion to place it for audit and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.  Molly made a motion to transfer $25,000.00 from the ICS account to the general account. Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Les said he was asked by Perry Lake Township if we could sand the hills on their roads if they get icy.  Les said we would charge Perry Lake Township $100.00 per hour plus the cost ofsalt/ sand  mixture if we approve the request. Les said Russell Rono would make the determination if the hills need to be sanded. We would do it for 2024. Les made a motion to approve sanding for Perry Lake Township and 2nd by Molly and carried unanimously.

The clerk presented the election judge list to the board. Phil made a motion to approve the list and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Les said we do not need another snowplow driver at this time.

Russ asked the clerk if she could put an ad in the paper letting residents know they should not plow snow on or across township roads. The clerk said she would put notice in the newspaper and asked Kathy to put it on the website.

The cemetery brochure has a couple of items that need to be changed.

Old Business: Roads:  Les said we still have to replace the culverts on Bonnie Lakes Road. Les said the guys will be working on brush clean-up.

Go North: Nothing

Correspondence was read.

Les made a motion to adjourn and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

 The meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marianne Auge, clerk