Fairfield Township, MN

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Monthly Council Meeting

June 11, 2024

The June 11, 2024, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Les McCoy. Other board members present were Supervisor Molly Swaggert, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.  Also present was Gene Moritz, Ron Schoenborn and Craig Katzenberger.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed. Les said we should move 8A to # 5, public comment to # 6 and Molly asked to add topsoil on the cemetery under new business to the agenda. Les made a motion to approve the agenda as revised and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.  

The bills were read. Molly made a motion to pay the bills and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the May 14, 2024, monthly meeting were read. Molly made a motion to approve the minutes and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Lieutenant Craig Katzenberger from the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Department talked to the board about Flock Security.   Flock Security is cameras placed at intersections or high crime areas in communities. Flock Security is a technology that is available to read license plates on passing cars to help law enforcement identify cars that may be involved in a criminal activity. Kristin McLeod joined the conversation via video. Her job is to provide information to communities on the technology that is available. They have real-time coverage alerts and 24/7 coverage.  Kristin said there is no facial recognition, only license plates are read. The information is kept for 30 days and then deleted unless it is tied to a criminal case. The cost of subscription service is $3000.00 per camera per year plus a onetime installation fee. The camera comes with options.  One of the options is the camera could be moved. Kristin said there are 5000 communities that have flock security. Any law enforcement agency can call with a license plate number they are looking for and if the car with that license plate goes by one of the flock security cameras the law enforcement agency would be notified. The question was asked if the camera would record the licenses of cars going in both directions from the camera.

Ron Schoenborn asked the township if they could pass an ordinance stating that any shooting range in the township needs to have a berm behind it.  The clerk said she called the Minnesota Association of Township and talked to one of the attorneys about an ordinance. The township attorney said the township didn’t have the authority to pass an ordinance for private property and if the township did make an ordinance, they would need to enforce it. If the township doesn’t have a police force they would need to hire the sheriff’s department to enforce it.  Ron told Lieutenant Katzenberger that he had called to complain about the shooting range on his neighbor’s property because there are bullet holes in the trees on his property close to the shooting range and he is worried that someone could get hit by a bullet. Ron said the sheriff’s department said they would investigate and see who was involved.  Ron said the DNR came out to check the shooting range but as far as he knows nothing has been done about it.  Lieutenant Katzenberger said he would check into it.

Gene Moritz was at the meeting to talk about the water problem on his property. Gene said he would like the ditch plugged so the water can’t flow onto his property.  Gene said taking out the culvert and building up the road might stop the water   coming from Eastham Lake, but it wouldn’t stop the water coming from Bass Lake. Gene said he thinks taking out the culvert would be a waste of money. Molly said the township has a plan in place and we will try that first. Gene gave the township a letter he wrote and would like the letter recorded in the minutes.

The treasurer’s report was read. Molly made a motion to place it for audit and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

New Business: Molly said the cemetery needs some black dirt or topsoil for the graves.  Molly will ask Warren Lundquist if he has any dirt, we could buy from him and if he could haul it to the cemetery.

Old Business: Roads:  Les said he and Russell checked the culvert on Cory Road that Robin Ward called about, and they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. Les said the water was flowing through it fine. Les said he was still waiting to hear from Andy Moritz about replacing the culverts on Bonnie Lakes Road.

Go North: Kathy said tickets are on sale for Sketches of Minnesota that is coming to Emily for dinner and a comedy improv show on July 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM at Emily City Hall.

Correspondence was read.

Molly made a motion to adjourn and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

 The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marianne Auge, clerk