Fairfield Township, MN

Monthly Council Meeting

November 12, 2024

The November 12, 2024, monthly meeting of Fairfield Township was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chairman Phil Yetzer. Other board members present were Supervisor Les McCoy, Supervisor Molly Swaggert, Treasurer Kathy Hachey and Clerk Marianne Auge.    

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The agenda was reviewed. Molly made a motion to approve the agenda and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The bills were reviewed. Les made a motion to pay the bills and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

The minutes of the October 8, 2024, meeting were read. Molly made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously. The correction was $718,000.00 not $718.00.00 in cuts.

The treasurer’s report was read. Molly made a motion to place it for audit and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

Kathy said she thought the ARPA funds need to be spent by December 31, 2024.  Phil made a motion to authorize Les to spend up to $5000.00 for a welder and Molly 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously. Les said he would also check on getting gravel to put on the town hall drive. Molly said she would get an estimate on cutting the trees in the cemetery that need to be removed.

No new business

Old Business: Culverts on Bonnie Lakes Road are on hold.

General Election: The clerk reported that approximately 82% of Fairfield Township’s registered voters voted in the general election held on November 5, 2024.

Go North: Kathy said that the money Go North received from the Sketches Program was split 3 ways. The Emily Food Shelf, Lakes and Waters, and Go North each received $856.12. 

The Cemetery Brochure is being worked on.

Correspondence was read.                                               

Molly made a motion to adjourn and Les 2nd the motion and it carried unanimously.

 The meeting adjourned 5:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Marianne Auge, clerk